What Is Glaucoma? Causes and Diagnosis

When you start to feel pain in the eye or have constant poor vision due to exposure to light, you need to make sure that you visit the eye center to clear off any glaucoma-related illness. This is one of the worst medical conditions that one can have and it does not choose the age, size, or race. Everyone has equal chances of having this condition and it depends on the situations one goes through and the ability to trigger it early and take charge of the situation. Many people ignore the factor that this can happen to anyone, and this makes it even riskier due to the high levels of ignorant cases and many people have had to suffer the consequences. The effects of glaucoma are very server when it is in the late stages and very hard for one to go back to the normal sight.
Many people think that this is the disease of the old and when they go about their activities, they do not stop to think that it can affect them. Glaucoma starts developing early in life and the condition progresses through life, and when it is at the later stages, one cannot prevent it. The effects they have to deal with include total blindness or poor vision. If you happen to find it hard to deal with too much light or you have teary eyes all the time, you need to visit the Glaucoma Eye Hospital in Coimbatore for further tests.
When one starts to suffer the effects of glaucoma, they start noticing the depreciation of the sight, and when not under check, it increases rapidly and the entire vision is blocked. Some people have a constant headaches, feel dizzy and scratch their eyes all the time. This promotes the pressure of the fluids on the optic nerve, which plays a crucial part in the provision of vision in the eye.

Causes and Symptoms of Glaucoma Eye Infection

The effects of glaucoma further lead to poor vision, and when one gets the student attack, they start feeling immense pain and they cannot control it. This leads to headaches, dizziness, vomiting, and poor vision. When one does not take time to undergo the different tests of the eye, they will end up not getting the best results and this makes it very hard to control it when in the late stages. To avoid these effects of glaucoma, you need to make sure that you get the tests done and in cases of several damages due to accidents or falls, you need to seek urgent medical care.
Glaucoma is an eye infection that is feared by many, if not attended to at its early stages it can lead to vision problems caused by a failure in the drainage system of the eye. It is usually dominant with advanced age, and this is because the drainage system can become clogged with advanced age even if the drainage angle is open.
Glaucoma is a very serious concern due to its ability to not show symptoms hence it is very difficult to detect and in most cases, it can be identified only when it is in its advanced stages. People are usually not conscious of the problem until the loss affects their central visual area. Although it does not show any symptoms during its initial stages, it is recommended that you become cautious so as to avoid losing your sight.

Glaucoma Causes:

There are several factors that can facilitate someone to contract this disease, although the most common cause of this disease is increased pressure on the eye. Some of these causes include:

Intraocular pressure

This is the greatest cause of glaucoma and it is caused by the aqueous fluid not having to flow through its normal drainage system, hence leading to a build-up, and as a result, creating intraocular pressure. One of the main reasons for this occurring is aging, it has been reported that people over the age of 46 years of age are more prone to contracting the disease than people who are younger than this age group.

Ethnicity and gender

Research has shown that men are more prone to contract glaucoma than women. Research has also shown that blacks and Asians are more prone to contracting this disease than Caucasians or white people.


Your family lineage may also be another cause of contracting glaucoma if your family has a history of the disease then there is a possibility of you contracting the disease.

Glaucoma Diagnosis

An eye examination by a specialist in glaucoma or glaucoma, in general, is necessary. The examination includes the measurements of intraocular pressure through tonometry, the examination will also include the examination of the optic nerve to check if there is any damage, it also involves gonioscopy which is the examination of the anterior chamber angle.

Glaucoma Medication

Most glaucoma medications are given as eye drops. Less often, pills may be prescribed as a temporary measure. There are a variety of medications used to treat glaucoma, and most work by decreasing the amount of fluid produced by the eye or improving the drainage of fluid from the eye.

Glaucoma laser treatment

During glaucoma laser surgery, low-energy light rays are directed into the drainage channels of the eye to allow better drainage and thus reduce intraocular pressure. These procedures are performed in your ophthalmologist's office or in an outpatient surgery center. Eye drops will usually still be needed after laser surgery.

Surgical treatment of glaucoma

Glaucoma surgery may be recommended when eye drops and laser procedures fail to adequately lower eye pressure. Some surgical techniques used to improve eye drainage include placing shunts, and stents, or using your own tissue to create a new drain.

Lifetime glaucoma treatment

People with glaucoma need lifelong continuous treatment to prevent blindness. Medications should be taken regularly and precisely as prescribed by your ophthalmologist. Frequent eye exams (every three to four months) are also needed to monitor eye pressure and assess the effectiveness of glaucoma treatment.


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